Stuart Harris MA Dip. Ad Dip. Dip. Dip (Supervision) MBACP (Acc) UKAHPP Counselling in Gloucester

"Supervision offers the opportunity to acknowledge difficulties and weaknesses and to celebrate and value strengths and achievements," within our counselling work.

Supervision is a place in which the supervisee can honestly and openly ask questions of her or his counselling practice. Allowing a process to evolve, bringing yourself and your client work into fuller awareness.

In supervision I offer a context where you can become aware of the process taking place in the relationship with your client. I facilitate the opportunity for yourself to be open to your experience so that you may become fully present and engaged in the relationship with your client.

I offer supervision to both student and experienced counsellors. For those recently qualified, good supervision is very helpful in giving life back to aspects of yourself that the training experience may have exhausted, thereby playing a key role in the reconstruction of your authentic personal self.

"This was enlightening for a person-centred trainee, a model of the person-centred approach in action, not fluffy or passive but seeking the deep (often dark) truth in an emotionally supportive environment."

As a Person-Centred Supervisor, the relationship and the supervisory role that I practice may be considered a supervisee-centred relationship. It is a collaborative personal enquiry representing a learning experience for both of us.

"It was drawn out by a skilled supervisor who gave me the conditions to grow and learn. I have felt encouraged to be my real self with clients by experiencing it for myself in supervision. I feel that it has led me to develop deeper contact with my clients."

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